Albert Ghiorso

The twelve elements in whose discovery Albert Ghiorso is credited with being involved are:

Americium (atomic number 95, c.1945), curium (96, 1944), berkelium (97, 1949), californium (98, 1950), einsteinium (99, 1952), fermium (100, 1953), mendelevium (101, 1955), nobelium (102, 1958–9), lawrencium (103, 1961), rutherfordium (104, 1969), dubnium (105, 1970), and seaborgium (106, 1974).

Ghiorso's colleague Glenn Seaborg was involved in the discovery of nine of these (atomic numbers 95 to 102, and 106) and also plutonium (atomic number 94, in 1940–1).

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